Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Cinderella! Picture blog
Audrey posing with the leads after the final performance.
Front row: Audrey and Spring Fairy
Back row: Cinderella, Fairy God Mother, Summer Fairy, Winter Fairy, Fall Fairy
No tears for Audrey. She's all smiles. Here she is with fellow butterfly, Hannah.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Elvis Lives!

No . . . no . . . this is not a left-over Halloween photo.
Audrey's class celebrated their 50 days of school a few weeks ago by researching the 1950's and attending an in-class sock hop.
Audrey's assignment was to find an object from the 50's and then write a report about it discussing it's significance and how this object might be used today.
For some random reason (because that's just how Audrey rolls) she picked as her object, Elvis Presley. She even did research as you'll read in her report below. She also desperately wanted to dress up as Elvis for the sock-hop party the next day. While all the girls in the class were sporting skirts and ponytails, my daughter wanted to wear an Elvis wig and a white T-shirt.
I managed to remember to snap a pic of her before she left for school that day (mornings in our household are pretty chaotic!)
She wore the wig the entire day!

Friday, December 4, 2009
Vivian's family portrait
We appear in this order from left to right: Vivian, Mommy, Daddy and Audrey. Notice that Vivian is the largest figure. And Daddy has no hair (LOL. THAT's a laugh.)
Also floating above my head is Cookie, the kitty.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
All is a blur
Oops. I think I'm already too late for that deadline.
Anyway, as usual, a gathering was held at 201 N. Wallace on October 31st to celebrate the tricking and treating for all the little ones. We were blessed with pretty nice weather and a wonderful backdrop of yellow leaves in our backyard for some photo opps.
Ursula stops by!
and then there were none
Please don't mention the Ypsilanti City Manager's name to Curt in casual conversation. That is, unless you enjoy seeing the veins popping out of his head.
All total, we filled 80 lawn bags full of leaves. EIGHTY. The pic below only shows 62. But the pic below that shows how many more leaves we still had to go.
And I won't mention that the city did not supply us with any bags and that I had to go to three different stores one afternoon to find some.
I just kept thinking . . . "gee, this is good exercise!"

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween Chili (aka Crock Pot Chili)

2 lbs. ground chuck
1 cup chopped onion
1 green pepper, chopped
2 to 3 ribs celery, chopped
1 large (28 oz.) can crushed tomatoes
1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce
2 cans kidney or pinto beans, drained
1 tsp. pepper
3 tsp. chili powder
hot pepper, to taste, cayenne
1 tsp. garlic salt
In a large skillet, brown the ground beef. Drain well. Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker; cover and cook for 7 to 8 hours on LOW, or until done.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
bon anniversaire
Even as a kid, having my birthday just two days after Halloween (and one day after All Souls Day if you're counting that) was an exciting and busy time of year. Funny how they seem to run together more as an adult than they ever did as a kid, though. I mean it's a different month and everything.
Nine years ago today, I added another event to this jumble of days by marrying my honey on November 4th.
To this day, he'll say we rushed it by planning our wedding in four months but I wouldn't ever change a thing! (And I guess he should have known what he was getting himself into.)
I love you, husband.

My big yellow tree
It never shines more brilliantly than in the fall when the the green leaves turn a bright golden. They seem to light up the area.
I finally remembered to take some photos of this beautiful tree in it's fall glory. I managed to take these shots just days before a windy/rainy day removed all of the leaves.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Getting an early start on Halloween
I can't believe this is the first time we've ever made it there, but I have a feeling we'll be back. We only hung around for more than hour of it (it was packed and hot in there) but it was still a ton of fun and a nice addition to our Sunday afternoon.
The museum has recently been hit with controversy surrounding their Native American dioramas --which have made those exhibits more popular than ever. I'm glad I got a chance to see them one more time before they're gone.
Here are some snapshots of our visit on Sunday.
A quick shot with Mom before we head into the dinosaur room.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Bridge is Mine
The drama, I could do without.
She has recently concocted a series of "illnesses" that get more and more alarming with each incident. This is all in an effort to yank me out of work so that I can take her home and thereby get her out of school early.
I bought it the first two times. I mean . . . what else are you gonna' do when the school secretary calls and tells you that your daughter is sick and wants to go home? However, by the third phone call in as many weeks from the school office, I was done. I don't even remember what the first two illnesses were but the third call was about her "arm hurting." There was no accident or anything . . . her arm just started hurting. Oh geesh. Thank goodness the school nurse wasn't buying it either and Audrey stayed in school that day.
The very next day, we got a call that her hips were hurting.
At least she is venting her creativity through music and dance in a much more positive way. Not only is she heavily involved in her tap and ballet classes on the weekends, she has also taken to music-writing like her Dad.
She recently composed this beautiful song. I hope to get a video of her singing this song and will post it soon.
She has plans for many more songs. She commented that she wants to make a "CD of 29 songs." That is -- if her injuries don't get in her way.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Introducing Foofie, Fluffy, Hildy . . . er Cookie!
This tiny little tuxedo kitten was Audrey's first pick at the Humane Society. I was nervous because she apparently had been sick and in a foster home and she seemed waaaaay too mellow and borderline lethargic at the shelter. I was trying to coax Audrey to go for one of the more active tiger kitties. But this was Audrey's pick. I needed to stay out of it. We had to wait a day to pick her up since she had not yet been spayed.
Boy, was my first impression completely off base. This cat is NUTS! She's playful, skittish, friendly, adventurous and all kitten-ey wrapped into one little fur ball.
We're still getting to know one another and the girls are learning how to handle her. Her initial name was Hildy . . . but I think Audrey was simply feeling the pressure and picked the first name that popped into her head (which also happens to be the name of the last cat we had). That lasted for a short while before the girls were calling her everything under the sun. Curt and Vivian still call her just "kitty."
Vivian: "Mommy, there's the kitty." (Even when the cat is sitting right next me. Viv loves to announce the cat's whereabouts.)
We held a naming session one afternoon and landed on the name "Cookie." I was going for "Oreo" but Audrey didn't like it. Cookie it is!
Now if kitty/Cookie would just stop sleeping on Curt's face, we'll all be much happier.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
she has her phone, too
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Takin' care of business
In any case, it was fun reliving (some of) the show and see some folks I don't get the chance to see on a regular basis.
The kids were great and there were no major incidents to report. We left them alone for huge chunks of time so it's always a gamble. Yeah, I found pieces of "Candyland" scattered all over the living room and some juice was spilled on the floor in front of the couch but if that's all that happened, then I'm well-pleased.
The party ended around 11:30 and then Curt and I got into clean-up mode. We usually do just enough not to embarrass ourselves within the neighborhood and then finish the rest the next day. We got all of the foodstuffs into the kitchen when it occurred to me that I should probably check on my girls . . . things were too quiet. The last I knew, they were going to watch Pink Panther on the living room TV.
I walk into the living room to find Audrey snuggled up in the blanket sound asleep on the couch. Awesome. One down. "Maybe Vivian put herself to bed?" I thought. That would be absolutely perfect! I walk upstairs. Not in Audrey's room. Not in her bed. Not in our room. It's too quiet. Where is she??
I turn and look into the bathroom. There she is, on the floor in front of her training potty. She quickly looks up and says, "I"m just cleaning this, Mommy." She has a bottle of Windex and a towel. She's spraying the carpet with Windex. I quickly deduce that Vivian didn't quite make it to the potty. Her skirt and underwear are located on the floor about a foot away. And instead of the spray carpet cleaner, Vivian grabbed the Windex.
Oh. my. Gawd.
She is sooooo cute!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Oh, Say Can You See
He participated in a singing competition/audition (not exactly sure which and neither are they) to get a chance to sing the National Anthem at a Pistons game. We think. Again, we're not really sure what the prize is. I'm guessing the Pistons don't know either.
So, he had his eighty second shot -- two actually. He wasn't happy with his first round since they made him wait for an hour or so in a stuffy room, but of course his crappy singing is better than most because he made it to Round 2. (He can out-sing anyone even on his worst day) Round 2 took place on the Palace floor itself.
Another 80 seconds and he nails it this time. Whoo hoo!! I'm getting text updates on my Blackberry. So . . . now what??
Oh crap. Go home. We'll call you. In FOUR WEEKS!
But he had a great time and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Meanwhile (and with a less-than-subtle segue), Audrey has been listening to my Brandi Carlisle CD in my car ad nauseum. We went to Frankenmuth yesterday and I heard it many times on the way there and back.
She has never tried singing any of the songs herself, but after Daddy came home from his Pistons audition (and after bath time) somehow the sparks flew and she gave it a go. I fired up the words and guitar tabs on my laptop and here's what happened:
Monday, August 24, 2009
Anything Goes!
There are just a couple more days left of summer camp at CCC. And that means that show week has come and gone. I didn't get in here to write about it because, frankly, I didn't have time. Production week at CCC is much like production week at any other theater I've been involved with. It's all-consuming. It involves evening dress rehearsals, opening night galas, naps for everyone and a party after every show. Somehow amongst all of that, I still have to go to work!
Here's a brief recap of our exhausting but oh-so-fun week.

I have many more pictures and many memories to share. It's always bittersweet when the show ends. I miss the energy around CCC, partying with the parents and staff, seeing our kids performing their hearts out (I cried every performance!) and knowing that the summer is ending and we'll all be going separate ways after this. But we're also very tired and you just can't keep up that pace forever.