Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My co-workers are cool
Remember when I brought Audrey to work for "Take Your Kid To Work Day" and she set up her own office?
A week or so ago someone dropped a piece of paper in her "notes" folder. The paper illustrated how to make an origami bear. How cute! Audrey loved it.
On a whim, I took a piece of pink (of course!) paper and simply wrote "Thanks!" and put it in the same folder.
To my surprise and delight, there was another note this morning that read, "You're Welcome! Here's Another." Audrey can make a penguin now when I bring this home.
I would love to know who's doing this . . . or maybe not. It's so sweet.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
All that glitters is good
They recently popped by with these cute little glittery books. Too bad mommies don't ever get fairy gifts (hint hint you guys! Mommies love glittery things!)
If you look closely, you'll see a poof of pink glittery stuff on top of the note they left . . . pixie dust. She had an ear infection requiring antibiotics last week. The fairies wanted to make sure she didn't miss another day of school. She was instructed to sprinkle the pixie dust on top of her ear.
Worked like a charm!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Happy birthday, Dad!
We always knew we would have this party. What we didn't know was that he wasn't going to actually BE there to enjoy it. I guess the surprise was on us.

The evening was a celebration of a wonderful man's life. A man who lived every moment to the fullest . . . even when we all thought he should settle down a bit. I guess he knew better. I need to embrace that attidue a bit more in my life.

Love you Dad!!! Thanks for watching out for Mom. She's enjoying her visits with you.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Adorable Mother's Day Card
Saturday, May 8, 2010
She's currently suffering from at least Stage 3 Alzheimer's (not exactly sure which stage she's in but it's up there.) Her condition seems to have worsened since Dad's passing. I'm not sure if that's a coincidence or if we're just all noticing it more now. Or could it be because everything that was once normal in her life has been taken away from her? Dad was definitely making things seem much more "normal" than we realized.
I continue to thank God and our lucky stars that Mom remains a very happy, sunny person. She was always a kind-hearted and loving soul and thankfully her sweet nature continues to manifest itself even through this horrible disease.
She's been regressing a bit lately. She's "having babies" and "getting married" but since those were all happy times in her life, why wouldn't she want to relive them?
On my last visit with her, I tried to take a few photos. It's extremely difficult to get her to focus and look into the camera lens.
Here's my first attempt.
She likes to hold onto a "hanky" most of the time so I dug one out for her. To my surprise instead of blowing her nose, she put it on her head!! Well . . . okay! We'll just go with it.
One more try at a picture. We're getting closer . . .
And here she is, all smiles, holding her "baby." I guess that's what she needed.
And to be honest, she talked more to the baby than she did to me while I visited. I think she finds comfort there. It's challenging for her to carry on a conversation . . . her thoughts just drift away from her. I imagine talking to a baby is much more relaxing.
I wish I could get inside her head for a day to see what it is like for her. I can't even imagine.
I sent her boxes of treats for Mother's Day in the mail. I'm sure she has no idea what they are or who gave them to her. She's likely to make up a good story about the pretty boxes, though.
She's happy. And she sees Dad all of the time. And that makes me happy.
I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Teacher Audrey
She has also decided that her sister isn't all that awful anymore. I'm not exactly sure what what prompted her change in attitude, but I like it. This morning when I went to wake the girls up for school, I found BOTH of them sleeping in Vivian's bed! Audrey snuggled in beside Vivian.
Upon further investigation, I learned that Audrey had a bad dream about Vivian (something about Audrey going crazy and trying to hurt her) and she woke up so upset that she wanted to be close to her. Awww. Just recalling the story brought Audrey to tears.
Two days ago, Audrey decided that she needed to teach Vivian how to read. That, combined with the fact that apparently they're learning all about Microsoft Word in school, prompted her to type up several worksheets for Vivian to work on. They are provided below.
I think Vivian lasted about 10 minutes.
And never made it past the first worksheet.

Monday, May 3, 2010
Audrey's 1st Communion!