Is it just me or are kids shoes getting trendier all of the time? I don't remember having this much to choose from when I was a little kid. Although I wasn't exactly fashion-conscious when I was 5. My best friends were a boy and a girl who always pretended to be a boy (seriously). My shoe collection consisted of Ked's tennis shoes (or should I say "sneakers"?) and a pair of dress shoes that I wore to church.
We usually do our kids shoe-shopping at Target (Oh how I wish DSW sold kids shoes -- then again, perhaps it's better this way.) I'm not big on spending $30-50 for a pair of shoes that my kids will outgrow within a year. Sorry, girls. Although, Audrey did find a pair of pink light-up Princess flip flops at the mall the other day. Man, they'll light up anything. I couldn't resist . . . we bought two. Vivian has to be stylin' as well, doesn't she?
So, back to Target . . . Audrey selected an absolutely adorable pair of Peep-toe shoes, pink mary-janes and standard tennis shoes. Vivian tried on every crock she could find and was dying to keep the Dora crocks. This time I refrained. She's got enough crocks. She was satisfied with tennis shoes, some adorable pink wedge sandals with polka dots, and her own pair of pink sparkle shoes.
Let's see how the toes hold up on her pair.
Am reminded of our shoe adventures/misadventures when the kids were 6-10 or so. There was a nearby early version of Meijer complete with groceries, garden hoses and kid’s clothes. On several occasions, took the kids to this strange looking and strange smelling place where we visited the shoe pile. Literally, a pile of disgusting RED tennis shoes (no brand), dumped in a heap on a low table, each pair tied together by its shoelaces and the kids were instructed to grope, grab and try on until they found some that fit. They had to wear these atrocious ill fitting, brand x, if the rest of the world was wearing Keds, these were probably called Kuds, in a hideous red which leeched onto their socks. But...they were $2.00 per pair. Thus the attraction. How did they survive
So Funny! I think I had those same red sneakers. I remember loving my red sneakers with my pink flare pants. Hideous to think about now, though.
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