My wonderful weekend began with a luncheon held at Vivian's daycare. I was expecting the usual kids fare of grilled hot dogs and chips or something . . . but they pulled out all the stops for this! Grilled BBQ chicken, salad, fruit, fla

Audrey also came home from school bearing gifts. A potted plant with some mysterious "blue" flower. I can't wait to see what flower emerges but Audrey swears it's going to be blue!
[For the record, Curt very recently worked an entire weekend and then some painting our bedroom. It's beautiful and I love him for it. What a wonderful gift.]
After ballet on Saturday morning, we headed to my family's house in Ohio for a big family gathering. In addition to Mother's Day, it was also my Dad's 78th birthday and my niece's 30th birthday. BIG weekend! The cookout was fun and allowed Audrey and Vivian a chance to hang out with their cousins. There's just nothing better in life than to watch kids wear themselves out playing as hard as they can outside.
When we returned home on Sunday we were (correction: I was) too lazy to do anything but unpack and head out for dinner somewhere. (In addition to the BBQ, there was a party for my niece at a local bar, Mass in the morning, and a family breakfast -- oh! and we helped my nephew move into his apartment.)
After a few mistrials (geesh - do we need a reservation on Mother's Day??) we ended up at Champion House in downtown Ann Arbor cuz I was hankering for some sushi and hibachi. That -- and I thought the kids would be mi

She also had fun with Curt's beer. Here's a picture of me on his beer can. She created it with her chopsticks. What a family I have!

I love you all. Thanks for making my Mother's Day so special!
Kathy I want to thank you and your family for making my weekend extra special as well. We all enjoy so much when you guys come down and we can't wait until we see you all again. Hopefully it'll be in Ypsi next time! I just love spending that one-on-one time with you like we did at the bar. Thanks again!!
Love you!!
Awwwww . . . I couldn't agree more, Heather!! Love you, too!
sounds like THE place to be. So good to know that all of you created memories and enjoyed getting away from the ususal day to day demands.
Yes, it's a wonderful thing!
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