We had a fantastic holiday!
I already posted a ton of pictures on Picassa and on Facebook so it seems redundant to post them here . . . but a few highlights might be called for.
The extended Kinninger clan are gathered on the floor of Grandma and Grandpa's waiting for Santa to call their name with a present!
Audrey is a huge Santa fan!!

This is the first time that Vivian has smiled in Santa's presence. It's a start . . .

Mom and Dad arriving at Karen's for breakfast Christmas morning. [I look eerily like my sister in this picture. I rarely say that. Even though everyone else always says it.]

Audrey is using her 13-year-old-speak to explain some travesty that Vivian has created in the other room.

Audrey finally got her pink guitar!!!

Now THAT's a Christmas face!

No wait . . . THAT's a Christmas face! Audrey was SO excited to get her first (probably of many) Mymeebas!


Mommy and Daddy showing off the beautiful picture and frame that Vivian made for us. Those are pasta noodles glued on the frame and then spray-painted gold.

Dinner at Erin's. I think Audrey ate only bread and mashed potates . . . complete with lots of butter provided by Grandma.
Grandpa explaining something to Vivian . . . or vice versa.

The kids do the Christmas reading and the brothers play with cameras.

Scrambling to get into place for the group photo.

Here we are!

Happy birthday Daddy!!!!
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