My life kicked into high gear lately due to my constant inability to say "no." But I least I recognize that, eh? That's the first step to healing, isn't it?
It's Lent so I've been singing a lot at church. Just when everyone else is slowing down, taking stock in their lives and simplifying things (the basic idea for Lent), my schedule gets even more hectic. I sang a solo at a special Lenten production a couple of Sunday's ago that kicked butt. Father Jim was very forthcoming with his praise -- something I don't hear much from him. It was nice. Audrey also danced in a ribbon dance during this same production. Very cute.
In other news, Curt and I attended parent conferences for both Audrey and Vivian within a week of each other. I'm happy to say that we received glowing news for both girls. The only negative report was a little something about Vivian's feisty attitude at times . . . but even Chris (the daycare employee who gave us the report) admitted that they were as much at fault for that as anyone. Apparently, Vivian walks all over everyone there and they just sit back and say, "Aw . . . isn't she adorable?" She's quite a charmer, that one.
My work has also kicked into overdrive. Business is somewhat solid but we are proposing on everything we can get our hands on these days. So . . . I'm typically working on about three things at once and bringing work home. Oh joy. But man, my days go by quickly!
And as if that wasn't enough, I auditioned for a show over the weekend. I got in but not in the part that I was expecting/hoping for. And since I take lots of time to plan and prepare when I decide to audition for something, it was a bit of a let down, I'll admit. And oddly enough, I should be FLATTERED by the role that was handed to me. I somehow landed the ingenue role. What? I'm 44! I'm no ingenue. That train left years ago. But perhaps they see something I don't see cuz that's what I got.
The production is Kiss Me Kate. I'll be playing the role of Lois Lane/Bianca . . . Kate's (ahem) younger sister and a cabaret singer who's getting her first shot at a B'way show. I'll get to do a lot of dancing with boys so it will be fun. But I'm still smiling and shaking my head in disbelief.
I better break out the Grecian Formula.
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