I sound like a broken record lately but life has been pretty busy. My tiny bits of free time are eaten up with laundry and playing "I Spy" with my girls -- their current favorite mommy activity. It's actually a nice game. We can play it anywhere and both girls are equally matched. I mean, a 3 yr old can spot something red just as well as a 7 yr old. Good times.
My busy life is going to slow down soon. I can feel it. I'm gearing up for a lazy summer (HA! We'll see.)
This week is Audrey's last week of school. I nudged Audrey awake this morning by telling her that this was her LAST Monday as a first grader. She popped right up! I think I'll be doing that every morning this week.
And that also means that come this Friday, it's officially summer for our family.
This weekend is our neighborhood garage sale which I stupidly decided to do again. I've got some baby things to unload and so do some of our friends so it seemed like a good idea at the time. However, the sale comes just one week before my show opening and I've got a sitzprobe that day and absolutely NO time to gather and label garage sale items this week because we're running the show every night. Ugh. However, we've got a WAY too many couches in our living room right now, so if we just sell that old couch, it just might be worth it.
And then next week is production week for Kiss Me Kate. It means a lot of long nights but it also means it's the beginning of the end. The show runs June 11-14. Things are going well and I adore the cast members so all of that has been a very positive experience. But I'm ready to be done. I just want to be a normal wife and mom again. You know . . . until the next shiny thing attracts my attention.
I still have lots of things to blog about. While I was away from here, Audrey lost TWO teeth, Vivian started soccer, Audrey finished her twirling class, Curt and I sang my cousin's wedding in Ohio, Audrey had a blowout at her field day at school (requiring many band aids . . . and she was WINNING the race at the time), the girls went to two birthday parties, I went on the 1st grade field trip to the zoo, we all attended Audrey's dance recital and I sang at the Taste of Ann Arbor festival (well, that just happened yesterday so I'm not so far behind on that one).
I'll be back for more. With photos. That might be all I have time to do.
Until then, enjoy this photo of Vivian force-feeding Owen (Noah, Nowen) some plastic food.
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