We traveled to Ohio to celebrate the 4th of July holiday with my family. My niece and her husband live on a farm not too far from where the fireworks are held.
I should add that the fireworks are supplied by the Only Believe Ministries cult er . . . church (or "OBM" as their affectionately called.)
Anyhoo, a party at Chuck and Heather's is always fun for everyone. Perhaps mostly for the kids.
Our host, Heather, with my Mom sitting near her.
The kids are taking a peek outside of the bounce house
when a neighbor shot off some fireworks
when a neighbor shot off some fireworks
Curt loaded up the kids for his first fateful ride out in the surroundings. Everyone joked to shut their cell phones off as he pulled away. And within 10 minutes he called to say that he had a flat tire.
They they go (before the flat). He was rescued by Chuck, however. Somehow, Curt decided to give it another go although I have no photographic evidence of it. He got yet ANOTHER flat -- this time on the wagon.
Partying and hanging out.
Curt and Gary having a grand old time near the bonfire. This was shortly before dusk and the fireworks.
The bonfire was a huge tree trunk!
Vivian and her first experience blowing on a dead dandelion.
Rick and Josh are shooting in this pic. Curt is "pulling" the clay birds.
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