It's really, really nice to have one of them there husbands.
Especially one who can fix things.
This morning we were running a bit late due to some extra laziness and extra snuggling so I helped my husband and kids get out the door and went back in the house to finish getting ready myself. Curt always takes the girls in the morning and I pick them up after work. This morning (and most mornings) it seemed easier to get them out of the house and on their way before me.
Except that I wasn't going anywhere. After getting dressed, making the bed, watering a nearly dead plant outside, washing the dishes and doing whatever other stalling techniques I do in the morning, I finally gathered my stuff to leave for the day. I got in my car and it was dead, dead, dead. Ugh.
What was my first reaction? Call Curt. Although he was looong gone at this point. "See if Buzz can help you" No luck - he's not home. "Okay, let me drop of the girls and head back home." Oh wait! Buzz is pulling in his driveway right now! Yay! Someone else's husband is going to get me on my way. Whew. Travesty diverted.
I arrive at work about an hour late and get slammed with conference calls, emails and a shitload of stress. I almost forgot about my car. Until my dear friend, Caitlin, called to confirm our lunch plans. Oh. yeah. What time is it??
I check on my car . . . it's totally dead again. Damn. Guess who I call? But this time he was prepared. "I'll be right there."
So my incredible husband spends his entire lunch hour (and then some) driving all over hell and back (cuz there's not a car part store anywhere near my office) to take care of poor little me. It was quite a turn-on to see him pull-up in his car, grab his tools out of his trunk and go to work.
"My White Knight . . . him I could love 'til I die."
(Marian from The Music Man)
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