I'm STILL catching up on last weekend, dammit. I'm not sure I'm even going to bother mentioning our crazy weekend THIS weekend. Other than, "we had a party." It was our 10th annual Crab Party. Our bestest friends were there. We love them. They're messy and break things. We still love them.
And now . . . here are the FINAL (I promise) scenes from the previous weekend. Audrey's birthday party at Rolling Hills Water Park. More good times with our friends that we love.
I'm sorry if you got missed in these photos -- I was a little kooky that day. I failed to get a group shot. Doh. I am NOT sorry that I got missed in the photos -- since I was wearing a bathing suit and all. Whew. Good thing I was in charge of the camera.

The Bugalas having lunch
January looking FAB in her big hat and cool glasses talking to Amy, Ava, and Jonathan (also FAB!)

James, Dana and Gerry just chillin'

Katie and Jayme rescuing Vivian from running off

Vivian and Daddy in the water

Katie, James and Jayme heading for the big slide

Here's where we camped out when we weren't swimming
(And where January and Amy chatted all afternoon.)

Vivian and Jayme eating cupcakes

Curt taking a break from busting his balls all afternoon.
Timo making a comment.
Nicolas licking his fingers.

Audrey opening gifts amidst the cupcakes.

Opening her books from the Rowe's.
(She took those with her to camp, by the way)
Love the look, Sophie!

Anthony being cheesy.
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