Curt and I went with some friends to see the University of Michigan's musical theater production of RE
NT last night. (Thanks to Rachel for hooking us up!)

I was impressed with the show. The two men playing Collins and Angel were crazy good. It was fun to relive my past a bit since I hadn't seen the show or even played the CD in years.
And then completely out of the blue this morning, Vivian started singing Seasons of Love while eating her pancakes. I looked at Audrey with bewilderment. "What made her start singing this?" Now you might recall that Seasons of Love was one of the songs from Audrey's show over the summer. Vivian learned all of the songs since she was also around during the rehearsal process. She sings a lot of the songs from the show -- her favorite being Hit the Road Jack. But why that song this morning?
Kids are funny creatures.
And lest you think my child is some sort of genius or something (which she is, of course) here's Vivian's version of the lyrics:
Five hunded tenty-five thousan six hunded minutes
Five hunded tenty-five thousan moments so dear
Five hunded tenty-five thousan six hunded minutes
How do you measure, measure a yea
In daylits, in sunsits
in midnits, in cups of poopy
in inches, in mals in la-la an sha
Five hunded tenty-five thousan six hunded minutes
How do you measure, a year in la laf
Yup. Love the pics. Just as we suspected.
:) Kent (Collins) is a good friend of mine. Of course, he's ridiculously talented too. Ay caramba. -katie
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