Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Having fairies is hard work

for me.

Not only does Audrey want proof of their existence (resulting in a treat for her) on a daily basis, she now wants the fairies to turn HER into a fairy. This is her second request.

But she's only trying to spare their feelings . . .

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vivian is thinking spring!

And since we all could use a little "spring" in our lives, I'm sharing these pictures that Vivian made at pre-school this week.

Enjoy this collection of bugs, birds and a rainbow!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feeling Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday.

I'm in a Lenten sort of mood so I say bring it on with as much furor as I can muster. (Mostly because I had a wee bit too much fun last night at a Mardi Gras-style event I sang on. For more details click here.)

I guess I should commit to the fact that I've been thinking about giving up alcohol for Lent. (Good thing I got my fill last night.) That's what I gave up last year as well . . . but I got off to a slow start. Perhaps I needed that Fat Tuesday indulgence first.

There have been times in years past when I truly loved the Lenten season. Lent is a time for soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. That is exactly what I need right now. My heart has some healing to do.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy birthday Mom!

Yesterday was my mom's 79th birthday!

Usually a happy occasion, mom's birthday yesterday also served as a stark reminder of how much we all miss Dad. Even mom (who thinks every day is her birthday) has been crying a lot this week and talking about Jim.

There's a weight on me that I can't shake. My thoughts may linger away for a moment but they always snap back quickly to a feeling that I've lost something. Oh yeah, my Dad.

And it sucks.

But . . . we all move forward somehow. Justin and Sherri just had a baby (who I'm going to visit tonight!) and Jenny has another one on its way. I visited a friend in the hospital yesterday and held her newborn. That was a wonderful thing to do on Mom's birthday. The circle of life continues.

And I am lifted by the fact that I know Dad would not want me to be sad. Right now, he would be saying something sarcastic and shooting me a wry smile. Or he'd bring up Glenn Beck just to get me riled up. He'd rather have me argumentative than sad. We used to have some crazy debates. And so, that's what gets me through.

And mom continues to bring smiles. Her usual sunny disposition is a true blessing. And since many people afflicted with Alzheimer's can get mean or lash out, we feel especially lucky that none of that has happened to her. She is carefree and happy most of the time. And almost always keeps her clothes on -- outside of a few small incidences that also brought chuckles.

I'm sad to hear that she's been crying this week but I guess it's to be expected. And perhaps her weekend get-away will lift her spirits. She started staying in a lovely assisted living residence called The Gardens in Wapakoneta. It's a wonderful place. They even have a Facebook Fan page. She was SO excited to go last weekend and told a few people that she was going to Arizona.

It's warm in Arizona. Perhaps I should join her.
Love you, mom!