Dear Curt,
Exactly 10 days ago we celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary.
There was no lavish party, fireworks or large gifts. There was no fanfare at all, actually. Unless you count the absolutely insane weekend of activities we had and the globally-celebrated election day that occured on November 4 -- our anniversary date.
I think I snapped at you more than once that weekend due to my ever-increasing stress level. In the midst of all of the hoopla, it could have been easy to just let this particular anniversary go by.
But we didn't. You didn't.
This anniversary was noteworthy in my mind. Not only has the past year been full of challenges and lots of work, but both of our first marriages ended at seven years. We really know how to bring meaning to the seven-year-itch.
However, all of our hard work has paid off. We are connecting in ways we never have. Our love for each other is growing and our bond is stronger than ever.
As I looked at you sitting next to our girls in the front pew of church when we renewed our wedding vows on Sunday, I was filled with intense love and pride. I felt like the Grinch and my heart grew "three sizes that day." You looked so handsome and I was so proud. My eyes filled with tears as we held hands and renewed our vows in front of the congregation.
Again, there was nothing flashy about this day. We didn't even take a single picture -- although that could have something to do with the fact that I broke my camera at the party the day before. But the picture is indelibly etched in my brain forever.
You get me better than anyone ever has. I love that. [Well, sometimes I don't actually, but you know what I mean.]
These past 8 years have been the best of times and they've been the worst of times. But we're doing them together and I can't imagine my life without you.
Happy anniversary! I cried when I renewed my vows, too. Where did you get married?
Thanks MK! We got married at St. Francis of Assisi church in Ann Arbor.
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