I'm always telling Curt that I need to spend more time with Vivian. I do my best to share equal time with both girls but it seems like Audrey gets the lion's share. This is due in large part to the number activities she's involved in and the fact that she's easy to take places now that she's older. She actually likes going to shows with me and she can attend church and sit by herself when I have to solo. Vivi will get there someday too, and I'm excited about that. But for now, we're relegated to outings that Viv can handle. One of the things that we do best together is grocery shopping. Not quite the same as the theater, but Vivian just loves to go shopping with Mommy. In any case, I'm always looking for more one-on-one moments with Vivian.
Our weekend began on Friday afternoon when the girls and I hung out at the doctor's office with Curt while he underwent a very brief (ahem) procedure. From there ensued a very quiet Friday night at home. We had take-out dinner and caught up on some of the shows on our DVR. It was nice. For me anyway . . . I'm sure next weekend will be much nicer for Curt. He's pretty sick of frozen peas.
The only outing I had planned for Saturday was Audrey's dance class. Curt assured me that he would be okay with Vivian at home, especially after I let him sleep in. The rest of the day was so boring that I don't even remember what we did. All I know is that I decided that I should probably get Vivian out of the house for a bit. I also needed to get some groceries for Thanksgiving . . . and voila! an outing with Vivian was born. The plan was that Audrey would entertain herself while Viv and I made a quick trip to the store. When we returned, we would all head to the Chinese Buffet for dinner since Audrey was craving it for some reason.
I should have known things were going to be bad when I got flipped off in the Kroger parking lot by a woman who apparently wanted the parking spot that I snagged. Not a good way to start the trip. THEN I got ripped off at the bottle return when the receipt for bottles didn't print out. Argh! What ELSE could go wrong, I thought. Nevermind. Vivi is having a great time. She found the bananas for me, she bagged all of the fruits and vegetables we bought, she was thrilled to see "Vivian's ketchup" and she very happily plucked things off of the shelf and into the cart for me.
We were nearly finished with our shopping when I stepped away from the shopping cart for a moment to return something I decided we didn't really need. (Wasabi mayonnaise to be precise. It's true we didn't need it.) Vivian toddled after me. Then she turned and ran back toward our cart. She lost control and tripped. I watched her head go flying back as her face made contact with the metal at the base of the shopping cart. She took the entire weight and force of her fall on her FACE! Immediately, she started crying (which I found out later was a GOOD thing!) I ran to her and saw her eye swell up and turn all shades of blue. I came close to a total freak out. Thankfully some SANE shoppers in the store talked to me for a bit and one woman just started dialing 911. She didn't wait for me to respond, just told me she was doing it. I loved this woman immediately. I wish I could thank her now. I think I managed to thank her at the time but I don't really know.
We abandoned the cart and headed toward the front of the store. I must have looked crazy sitting on the floor cuddling my crying baby. Someone got us some ice. Another person brought a chair and shuffled us off to the side a bit. The paramedics arrived and were insanely nice and calming to me. We had a nice ride in the ambulance to St. Joe's.
My favorite part [can there BE a favorite part??] is when everyone kept asking Vivian where her pain was (trying to rule everything out). "Does your nose hurt, does your neck hurt, etc?" "IT'S RIGHT HERE!" she kept saying pointing to her temple. As if to say "duh, people, can't you see my eye hurts!?"
Thankfully, it was nothing serious. She's pretty banged up but it could have been so much worse. They gave her some Tylenol and a Popsicle and suggested that we let her sleep with us that night so we could keep tabs on her through the night (I had horror thoughts of her kicking Curt so I chose to sleep in Viv's bed with her).
Meanwhile, poor Curt (who's supposed to be convalescing himself) had to get Audrey some dinner while we were gone and listen to my updates on the phone. Finally, he had to put on some pants and come pick us up at the hospital.
He later laughed how this was supposed to be HIS weekend.
Vivian's doing okay now but she's got quite a shiner on her eye. Today's version of it is even worse than this photo. She's wearing a "magic" Elmo band-aid so she says it's all better.
She and I even went back to the store the next day. She didn't seem the least bit phased by it.
So, I had some special one-on-one time with Vivian this weekend. I hope we don't repeat it anytime soon.
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