SO many things have happened in the past 24 hours! It's mind boggling. Where do I begin? I'm also crazy busy at work . . . but I can't let these moments go by without mentioning them.
First of all, I stayed up late watching election results last night. And OH . . . what a night it was! I wasn't sure exactly how long I would last but it turns out, I didn't have to wait too long. And then once it was official that Barack Obama would be our next president (shortly after 11:00 pm), I knew I needed to stay up to hear the speeches. History was being made and I wanted to see it in real time . . . not just on youtube or tonight's "The Daily Show."
Unfortunately, Vivian was also sick last night. I snuggled with her for most of the evening while she slept. Although my heart was breaking for her, I was secretly happy to have someone to share the moment with. I didn't get much sleep last night between these two events. I don't even care. I'm happy as hell right now. And I'm not the only one.
AND THEN the girls had their own monumental events this morning! I can't forget about them!
We were running behind in our morning routine . . . due in large part to the lack of sleep that Vivian and I had . . . and somehow Audrey was already in the car with her coat on when it became apparent that Vivian had to go poopy. She has never gone poopy on the toilet, mind you. However, by all appearances, it seemed like today was going to be the day!
And since Vivian usually lingers on the toilet for awhile, Curt decided to see if Audrey was interested in walking to school all by herself. He went outside to where she was sitting in the car and posed the question. Audrey said nothing -- she just lit up and jumped out of the car! He then asked her if she knew how to go. She described one of the back routes that she likes to take (when we follow along in the car, that is) But, for the sake of safety, Curt explained a more prominent route (with crossing guards and such) and she was off. He stood on the sidewalk and watched her walk away until she made her turn.
Meanwhile, I'm upstairs with the little, stinky one. She did indeed poop in her toilet for the first time! Usually, she's quite pleased with what she finds in her training potty when she stands up. However, this morning, she scrunched up her nose and instructed me to "throw it away." It was way more exciting for Mommy and Daddy than it was for her.
We all quickly got into our respective cars since Curt and I were hoping to catch a glimpse of Audrey walking along the sidewalk near the school.
I yelled out the window as I drove by and Audrey waved and smiled. She looked so little out there in that big, big world of our neighborhood.
I guess they're not as little as I want them to be.
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