Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To everything there is a season

There are still remnants of the first snow on the ground outside my window at work. It snowed yesterday and on Sunday! Nothing major but it was there.

I get such a kick out of the first snowfall. Thank goodness I have little kids to share that with. I took the girls out shopping with me on Sunday night when the biggest of the flakes started coming down. That was quite a treat. Not really the shopping part . . . but the being out in the snow part.

I was motivated to go shopping because I received a coupon from the new Whole Foods store that opened in town. We needed food, I hadn't been there yet and there was a whole $5 to be saved just by going shopping.

I had planned on going with Vivian so I could have a little bonding time with her - since Audrey went to church with me that morning. Vivian is actually fun to take to the grocery store. She loves to help pick out the items and put them in the basket.

Well, Audrey got wind that I was going to the store and she quickly responded that she wanted to go too! She counted up all of her allowance money and knew that she had enough to purchase the Mymeebas that were on sale at Target. [She learned about Mymeebas from www.everythinggirl.com and she learned about the sale from the Target flier that came in our Sunday paper. And this is from a six-year old!]

So . . . both girls went shopping with me.

I spent too much at Whole Foods (also known as "Whole Paycheck") and the Mymeebas were sold out at Target. Not the best outing for us. But at least we were out in the snow! And WNIC is already playing Christmas songs on the radio. Can you believe that?

I just LOVE the change of seasons and this is the best one of all for me. Perhaps I was also inspired by talking to a woman at church who had just moved here from Houston. She was completely overwhelmed by the beauty of our fall in Michigan. She loves it and is so happy to be here. She's even looking forward to winter. That made me feel all good inside.

And since it won't be long before I'm posting pictures of snow shoveling, sledding and the like . . . here are a few shots of the girls playing in the leaves a week ago on my birthday.

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