Monday, May 26, 2008

Is this thing on?

As promised, the parts for the play structure did, indeed, arrive on Friday. [Actually hours before the selected "window" of arrival -- thank goodness our neighbor was home.] Curt spent many long hours this weekend putting together the the tower structure that holds the "Turbo Tube." YAY to Tiff for his help on Saturday!!

The kids were excited and spent quite a bit of time hanging out with Daddy while he worked. Curt was very relieved when I took the girls out to a friend's house on Sunday afternoon for a BBQ -- leaving him alone to work in peace. His brain was a little bit scrambled from their constant attention.

You'll see one reason why in this video.

1 comment:

Judy said...

The babies will remember "the building project" long after they have forgotten what he built. Great memories.