Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random musings and the weather . . .

We have had unseasonably warm weather over the past couple of days. Last weekend was down-right gorgeous and sunny. It was nice to squeeze in some outdoor time doing yard-work in-between being stuck in a dark theater for a good portion of my weekend.

Sunday afternoon was particularly painful to head to the theater. It was SO beautiful outside. Curt had dreams of playing disc golf but that couldn't happen.

The show is going quite well, though. I've enjoyed hanging out with my "other" family but I'm also ready to get my life back. We close this weekend and I'm sure I will miss it. What I won't miss is trying to catch up on my life during those precious moments when I'm not at work or at the theater.

I managed to get some productive things done around the house on Saturday - which included cleaning Audrey's room (also called "throwing a bunch of minutia away while she's not looking") and switching our bed over to its "winter" coverings.

And then I roasted while sleeping on Saturday night. Woke up in a full-out sweat. Leave it to me to fix up our cozy, winter bed when it's 80 degrees outside.

I hear normal fall weather is coming back later this week. Me and my down comforter will be happy to see it.

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