Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Very, very big"

So I accompanied Vivian and her preschool class to Independence Lake. All of the kids on this trip were 4 and under -- many of them two years of age and in diapers. What could have been an exhausting morning of chasing toddlers, running to the potty and changing diapers was actually a very welcome change of routine for me.

Much like her sister, Vivian loved swimming in the lake but had very little love for the Splash Zone area.

After several hours of swimming and a lunch of baloney & cheese sandwiches, the adults of the group set out to change the kids back in dry clothes and head back to the preschool.

Never at a loss for words, Vivian said something that completely cracked me up.

While I was changing her friend, Tate (whom she affectionally calls "Tatertot") I could see that he had a lot of sand in his swim diaper. I asked him to lie down so I could clean him up a bit before I put on a dry diaper.

Vivian, who was nearby, remarked, "Mommy, Tatertot has a worm."

And as if that weren't enough:

"It's very, very big."

ACK! I'm sure Tate's Dad would love hearing this!

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